The Karate Kid

The Karate Kid

It seems that a Karate Kid sequel is already being worked on.

Jaden Smith and Jackie Chan team up for the remake of the eighties classic and when it took $56 million in it's opening weekend and topped the American box office, holding off the challenge from The A-Team, it comes as little surprise that a sequel is already being talked about.

The original movie spawned three sequels which, lets face, it got progressively worse, and Hilary Swank took over the lead role in the final film back in 1994.

Sony's production president Doug Belgrad told FirstShowing: "We've been talking about it for weeks already. We didn't want to jinx anything but we knew we had a playable movie and we were pretty excited about it. So we're already kicking ideas around."

No writer has yet been hired and there is not word as to whether Smith and Chan will be returning or the director Harald Zwart.

The Karate Kid is released in the UK 16th July.

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