Michael Fassbender

Michael Fassbender

Michael Fassbender has been linked to the role of the young Magneto in X-Men: First Class.

Set to be directed by Kick Ass' Michael Vaughn will look at the early years of some of the X-Men characters, James McAvoy has already been cast as Charles Xavier.

As well as Fassbender, Aaron Johnson and Frank Dillane have also been linked to roles in the project, which would be the second X-Men spin off.

But Fassbender may be left with a choice on his hands because he is allegedly also wanted for the villain in the rebooted Spider Man movie.

It's still not been announced who will take over Tobey Maguire in the central role of Peter Parker, although Jamie Bell appears to be the current favourite, James Vanderbilt has completed the script.

And while there is yet no word from the actor himself it is unlikely that he will be able to do both projects.

But Fassbender will be back on the big screen this summer when he stars alongside Josh Brolin, Megan Fox and john Malkovich in Jonah Hex.

He has also completed work on Jane Eyre, in which he plays Edward Rochester, and Knockout with Channing Tatum, Ewan Mcgregor and Antonio Banderas.

He is currently filming A Dangerous Method with Keira Knightely, Viggo Mortensen and Vincent Cassel.

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