

The Golden Globe Awards were precious for comedienne/actress Mo'Nique in Hollywood on Sunday night (17Jan10) - she was the award show's first winner.
The star claimed another Best Supporting Actress honour for her role as mother-from-hell Mary Jones in Precious, making her the clear favourite for an Oscar in March (10).
The emotional actress told the audience at the Beverly Hilton Hotel that she was "in the midst of her dream".
She paid tribute to her manager/husband Sidney Hicks, stating, "I love you more than you would ever know, baby."
She also had high praise for Precious director Lee Daniels, calling him a "brilliant, fearless, amazing director, who would not waiver."

The movie, which follows the story of an abused teenager, has been met with critical acclaim and the film was nominated for Best Picture.

With the Golden Globe under her belt Mo'Nique is the favoruite to scoop the Academy Award next month.