Naomi Watts

Naomi Watts

Naomi Watts has revealed that she almost gave up on Hollywood

The actress has revealed that she struggled to find her big break and all the knock backs began to take a toll on her confidence.

In an interview with She the actress said: "You know it's true what people say about looks. You must have more than just looks, you must have personality too. I didn't have that confidence and it affected the way people perceived me.

"I'd been slogging away in Hollywood for five years getting nowhere. At castings I was constantly told I wasn't talented enough, I wasn't right, I wasn't beautiful enough, I was nowhere near sexy enough."

But Watts admits that it was Nicole Kidman who gave her the confidence to keep going after she considered quitting acting.

"I thought about quitting acting and took other jobs - in restaurants, on magazines but nothing gave me the same feeling.

"I was often down to my last $200. Nicole actually gave me hope. She'd tell me that it would only take one film, one casting and everything would change."

And her breakthrough came in 2001 when she starred in David Lynch's Mulholland Drive. Since then the actress has gone on to star in The Ring, King Kong, The Painted Veil, Eastern Promises and 21 Grams, for which she was Oscar nominated.

The actress has three projects in the pipeline this year including Mother and Child, Fair Game, which re-unites her with Sean Penn and You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger.

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