Naomie Harris

Naomie Harris

Naomie Harris has described working on The First Grader as much more 'collaborative' than a big budget blockbuster.

We haven't seen the actress on the big screen since Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll but she is set to return with The First Grader - in which she plays a teacher who helps an eighty four year old man gain an education.

Speaking to Collider the actress said: "It is great to be a part of big-budget movies, but it is harder to feel like you are contributing, in the sense that it has such big machinery behind it.

"In a little movie like this... we really felt like we were immersing ourselves in the culture and the community, and we were much more collaborative."

The movie was directed by British filmmaker Justin Chadwick - his first movie since The Other Boleyn Girl.

The First Grader is released 24th June.

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