Nikki Reed

Nikki Reed

Nikki Reed struggled with stunt work for The Twilight Saga: Eclipse - the physically gruelling shoots made her "want to die".
The 21 year old plays vampire Rosalie Hale in the cult films, and she admits the long days and harrowing shoots on the movie franchise's third instalment took their toll on her.
She tells, "We're always standing out in like 30-degree weather, with pouring rain, trying to keep our vampire make-up intact.

"It's hectic, it's crazy, it's very jam-packed full of emotion.
"We were doing a lot of stunts, too much in too little time. The hardest part is trying to fly around on cables in the woods at 6 o'clock, fighting the sunset and stuff.

"And looking like we're not cold and super powerful, when we just want to die."

Eclipse is the third of Stephenie Meyer's novels to be adapted for the big screen, with Breaking Dawn in the pipeline.

The movie also sees Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Ashley Greene and Taylor Lautner return.

This time around it's David Slade in the director's chair.

Eclipse is released 30th June.

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