Redford Backs Completely Normal Cruise....

Robert Redford has defended Tom Cruise, insisting the Hollywood superstar's behaviour was perfectly normal on the set of their new movie.The veteran filmmaker ignored press reports ridiculing Cruise's infamous couch-jumping stunt on U.S. TV show Oprah, when he ecstatically proclaimed his love for his then-fiancee Katie Holmes, and his devotion to Scientology.Instead, Redford found Cruise to be nothing like his public image on the set of Lions For Lambs.In an interview with Playboy magazine, Redford says, "Tom's a talented actor and I think people will respond positively to him (in Lions For Lambs)..."I didn't concern myself with the gossip - I never do - and I knew enough from what I've been through to judge the man based on what I experience firsthand. And I didn't see any behaviour on the film that troubled me.Really.".

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