Turtles Topple 300's Warriors.... The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles proved too strong for the 300 warriors of Sparta at the US box office over the weekend, debuting at number one with a three-day $24.4 million (£13 million) haul.Tmnt, the sequel to 1990 movie Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, ended 300's two-week reign at the top of the cinema charts, but the ancient war epic continues to be the world's top movie and has now raked in more than $160 million (£82 million) in the US alone in less than three weeks.Mark Wahlberg's new film Shooter also enjoyed a healthy opening weekend, coming in third behind Tmnt and 300, with a $14.5 million (£7.4 million) take.Biker comedy Wild Hogs slipped to four, while sci-fi family fantasy The Last Mimzy debuted at five with $10.2 million (£5.2 million) in ticket sales.The other new entries in the US box office top 10 are The Hills Have Eyes 2, Reign Over Me and Pride, which debut at numbers seven, eight and nine respectively.