Tom Hardy

Tom Hardy

Tom Hardy has revealed that he feels no pressure in following in the footsteps of Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight Rises.

The British actor takes the role of Bane in Christopher Nolan's third Batman movie, images were released earlier this week of Hardy filming a fight scene with Christian Bale.

And while Heath Ledger's performance as the Joker was the best turn of his career when asked Hardy insisted that he wasn't fazed about taking on the role of the villain.

Speaking to Total Film he said: "No, not at all. Brilliant actor, brilliant work - that's it. I've got a job to do.

"It's the same with Mad Max and Mel Gibson. I'm not here to engage in a competition with their talent. It's to play the character that I have been given."

Hardy's career is on a major role at the moment as he gained critical acclaim for his role in Bronson before going onto Inception last summer.

We will see him back on the big screen later this year with martial art movie Warriors, which is directed by Gavin O'Connor, before joining the all star cast of Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy.

The Dark Knight Rises is released 20th July 2012.

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