X-Men Origins: Wolverine

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

The Australian visual effects company behind X-Men Origins: Wolverine have denied leaking the movie onto the internet.

The film was leaked last week and although the film has now been removed it is believed that the film may have been downloaded 100,000 times.

20th Century Fox, the studio behind the movie, which is the first spin off from the hit X-Men movie and sees Hugh Jackman reprise his role as Logan, called in the FBI to investigate the leak.

In a statement on their official website Rising Sun Pictures said: "As we worked on individual sequences within the film, neither Rising Sun Pictures or its staff members have ever been in possession of a full-length version, so it would have been impossible for the movie to have been leaked from here."

The leaked material was an incomplete and early version of the film with several special effect scenes and musical score missing.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine is released 29th April.

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