Zoe Saldana

Zoe Saldana

Zoe Saldana has revealed that she had to be persuaded to turn her hand to comedy roles.

The actress had enjoyed major box office success with blockbuster movie Star Trek and Avatar but is back on the big screen this summer in Death At A Funeral.

Speaking to the Press Association the actress said: "It was time to take a break from action because I was becoming really intense.

"Members of my team were saying to me 'Zoe go and do this comedy' I was saying 'I don't want to, I want to do something more intense'.

"But they insisted 'Go do the Neil LaBute comedy' (Death At A Funeral). So I did and I had a blast and loved it and it was so relaxing.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't box myself into action and drama. I will do whatever comes my way.

"I'm just saying that I love hanging from a wire, in the same way that I also love Romeo coming to rescue me."

But it's not all comedy this summer for Saldana as she also stars alongside Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Chris Evans in The Losers.

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