Bryan Singer

Bryan Singer

Bryan Singer says that he is exciting to see another director's take on the character of Superman.

Superman returns to the big screen this summer for the first time since Singer's movie Superman Returns back in 2006.

Singer heaped praise on director Zack Snyder and admits that he is looking forward to seeing the film after being impressed by the trailer.

Speaking to Moviefone the director said: "[I'm] very excited to see it. I love the trailer, and I think Zack Snyder is incredibly talented.

"It would have been strange for me if this was a few years ago; it would have been a little weird.

"But now there's so much distance from that world that I'm actually pumped to see it, genuinely. So I'm just looking forward to it."

We are also going to be seeing Singer back in the director's chair this year with his new film Jack The Giant Slayer - a new take on popular tale Jack and the Beanstalk.

But he is also returning to the X-Men franchise as he is set to direct X-Men: Days of Future Past, the sequel to X-Men: First Class.

X2 was the last film of this franchise that Singer was behind after choosing not to make X-Men: Last Stand in favour of working on Superman Returns.

Man of Steel sees British actor Henry Cavill take over the role of Superman while Amy Adams, Russell Crowe and Kevin Costner are all on the cast list.

Man of Steel is released 14th June.

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