Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel Radcliffe has revealed that he would love to try his hand at directing.

The actor has been very selective about his movie roles since leaving the Harry Potter franchise and it seems that the director's chair is something that he is very interested.

But this move behind the camera is not years away - if Radcliffe has anything to do with it it could just be around the corner.

Speaking to the Press Association the actor revealed "I would love to direct, definitely and I hope I get to do that soon."

Since leaving Harry Potter the actor has mixed film roles with TV going from The Woman in Black to A Young Doctor's Notebook.

He has already completed work on The F Word and Horns - both of which are expected to hit the big screen later this year.

He has also been linked with a Frankenstein project directed by Paul McGuigan.

Radcliffe was on the red carpet this weekend at the Jameson Empire Awards where he was names Empire Hero.

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