Eddie Redmayne

Eddie Redmayne

Eddie Redmayne has revealed that he was never able to relax while he was shooting his latest film The Theory of Everything.

Redmayne is set to take on the role of Stephen Hawking in the James Marsh directed film, which explores the relationship between Hawking and his wife Jane: played by Felicity Jones.

The actor reveals that he studied all of the documentary material that was available featuring Hawking as he tied to get under the skin of this man and portray him faithfully in the film.

When asked by Collider is he ever felt comfortable on set, the actor said: "Never, actually. Particularly because there is so much documentary material on Stephen and I watched and continued to watch sort of all of it ...

"It's unheard of, really, for an actor to see every day's material but I kept seeing it. I had this iPad with all this footage of Stephen and then I'd see the footage of me and wish it could just blend.

"There was never a moment where I could relax, right to the last scene."

The Theory of Everything is a movie that has already been winning critics over on the festival circuit, and Redmayne’s central performance is already being tipped as a possible Oscar contender.

The movie sees Redmayne work with filmmaker Marsh for the first time, as he returns to the director’s chair for the first time since Shadow Dancer in 2012. Marsh is best known for his documentary work and won an Oscar for Man on Wire.

Marsh has brought together a terrific cast for Theory of Everything, as Redmayne and Jones are joined by Tom Prior, Harry Lloyd, David Thewlis, and Emily Watson.

We have seen Redmayne’s star rise over the last few years, with the likes of Les Miserables, My Week with Marilyn and TV projects such as Birdsong and The Pillar of the Earth under his belt.

As well as The Theory of Everything, we are also going to be seeing Redmayne star in sci-fi epic Jupiter Ascending. The movie will see him star alongside Channing Tatum and Mila Kunis, while Andy and Lana Wachowski are in the director’s chair.

The Theory of Everything is released 1st January 2015.

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