Jake Gyllenhaal

Jake Gyllenhaal

Jake Gyllenhaal says he enjoyed working with director Denis Villeneuve because he pushes him.

Gyllenhaal and Villeneuve have already enjoyed success with Prisoners last year, and now Enemy is on the horizon.

However, Enemy was the movie that they shot first, before Gyllenhaal was approached about starring in Prisoners.

Speaking to the Press Association, the actor said: "Denis knows my strengths, he knows where he can push me, where I get frustrated and where I find comfort in my work," he said.

"I've never worked with a director on two consecutive films before, but we were having such an amazing creative experience on the first film that I was excited about this one before I even read the script.

"And, when I did, I found the character really fascinating."

Prisoners saw Gyllenhaal take on the role of Detective Loki, who is investigating the disappearance of two girls. His job is made even harder when Hugh Jackman's character decides to takes the law into his own hands.

Prisoners was met well by the critics, with both Gyllenhaal and Jackman praised for their central performances.

Gyllenhaal will be back this year with Enemy; the movie will follow a man who seeks out his look-alike.

Enemy is released later this year.

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