Jake Gyllenhaal

Jake Gyllenhaal

Jake Gyllenhaal is rumoured to be in talks to star in new boxing drama Southpaw.

Eminem was set to take on the lead role in the film but dropped out earlier this year.

Antoine Fuqua is in the director's chair, Kurt Sutter has penned the screenplay and The Weinstein Company is set to produce along with Riche Productions.

If Gyllenhaal accepts the role offer, he will play a left-handed prizefighter, who wins a title but suffers a tragedy and is forced to put his life back together in order to earn the respect of his young daughter.

Filming on Southpaw is set to get underway at some point next year, but no release date has yet been announced.

Gyllenhaal has already had the critics raving this year as he teamed up with Hugh Jackman in Prisoners; a movie that could be an Oscar contender.

He will be back on the big screen in the new year with Enemy and has also completed work on Nailed.

Gyllenhaal is currently filming Nightcrawler, a role that he has lost a lot of weight for.

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