

'Kick-Ass 2' is the "anti-Avengers".

Despite sharing a similar theme of creating a team of superheroes, director Jeff Wadlow insists his foul mouthed sequel to 2010's 'Kick-Ass' is nothing like Marvel's superhero team-up movie 'The Avengers'.

He said: "They're the anti-Avengers. 'The Avengers' was about pulling people together with special abilities. 'Kick-Ass' is about pulling people together who are crazy enough to do this s**t."

The controversial sequel sees Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Chloe Grace Moretz reprise their roles as makeshift superheroes Kick-Ass and Hit Girl, while Christopher Mintz-Plasse also returns as their foe Red Mist - but his character is now known as The Mother F**ker, the leader of villainous group Toxic Mega C**ts.

Although the humour and language is more risqué than the original, Wadlow doesn't think the film is too over the top.

He said: "Everytime someone says, 'Are we being too over the top?' I say, 'Have you heard what our movie's called? Let's push it!' "

Wadlow replaces 'Kick-Ass' director Matthew Vaughn, but the filmmaker is still on board for the sequel as executive producer, and insists the new movie doesn't venture too far from the original.

He told Empire magazine: "If the script hadn't evoked the same tone of the first movie, we wouldn't have made it. This movie didn't have to be made."