Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Johansson

Designer Judianna Makovsky says creating outfits for superhero movie stars like Scarlett Johansson represent her biggest challenge.

Judianna Makovsky says designing costumes for the Marvel film was extremely tough.

The award-winning designer has created outfits for 'The Hunger Games' and 'Harry Potter', but says that her recent work on 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier' - which features the 29-year-old actress - represented her toughest professional challenge.

Makovsky told Vogue: "Marvel has an incredible knowledge of the character, so we work with them throughout the process, but - although they have to be recognisable - the characters do inhabit different worlds in different films.

"There's a lot to balance. Superhero films are definitely the most labour-intensive for a costume designer."

Makovsky said she's found it especially tough designing a costume for The Black Widow, Scarlett Johansson's on-screen character in 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier'.

She explained: "Scarlett didn't actually start to fit for the catsuit until two days before we started shooting, so we had to do lots of trials and testing in quite a short timeframe. It was a challenge to get that many looks done in time.

"We work very closely with the actors on an action movie. We'll make different versions of the same costume depending on what she's doing: boots with running heels, fighting heels, standing heels; costumes that will allow her to kick; others that will accommodate a harness."

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