Peter Jackson

Peter Jackson

Peter Jackson has revealed that there will be less humour in The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug.

Jackson is back in the director's chair at the end of the year for the second part in his Hobbit trilogy; which comes a year after An Unexpected Journey.

The tone of the film is going to be very different this time around as Jackson reveals that the movie will tackle some 'serious stuff'.

Speaking to Empire the director said: "This has less humour in it for sure. The first film was where we allowed ourselves to try and capture something of the children's book, but it is really not appropriate to do that anymore."

"Some pretty serious stuff is going down and it is important that we don't undercut that now."

The movie will give audiences their first real glimpse of dragon Smaug; which has been brought to life by Benedict Cumberbatch using motion capture.

There are a few other new faces to keep an eye out for in this second movie as Evangeline Lilly, Orlando Bloom and Luke Evans take on the roles of Tauriel, Legolas and Bard the Bowman.

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug is released 13th December.

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