Robert Downey Jr

Robert Downey Jr

Robert Downey Jr is believed to have started negotiations to star in Avengers 2 and Avengers 3.

The actor and his wife Susan Downey held a dinner earlier this week to celebrate the success of current movie Iron Man 3 and it is reported by Heat Vision that this is where the talk of future movies began.

However the possibility of Downey Jr reprising the role of Tony Stark in Iron Man 4 was not up for discussion - which still leaves the future of the Iron Man franchise in doubt.

Downey Jr was contracted to star in three Iron Man films, a contract that has come to an end with this third movie.

The actor was expected to appear in Avengers 2 and Joss Whedon is currently working in a script for the film.

Avengers 2 is set to hit the big screen in the summer of 2015 but there is not release date yet for Avengers 3.

Iron Man 3 has kicked off phase two of Marvel films with Thor: The Dark World, Captain America: The Winter Solider and Guardians of the Galaxy all to come before being rounded off by the second Avengers movie.

The future of the Iron Man franchise is still uncertain but it seems that we will be seeing Downey Jr return to this character in some shape or form in the future.

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