Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson has been urged to quit his womanising ways as his managerial team say he needs to stop partying and focus on his career as they fear he could risk tarnishing his successful name if he doesn't put a stop to his troublesome behaviour.

Rob's team feel he needed a wake up call and that now is the time he should get extremely serious about his career and that means quitting the womanising and music making that have defined his life in Los Angeles so far.

The 27-year-old actor hit the big time in 2008 after landing the role of Edward Cullen in the romantic fantasy Twilight saga, but his team are worried he'll sign up to a movie at the end of this year that won't be as successful, and could wreak  havoc with his career.

A source is reported as saying "Rob has to pick his next movie before the end of the year, and frankly, everyone is worried he's going to screw this up.

Pattinsons management team feel that the time is right for the star to find a serious movie taking the same path as Brad Pitt did with 'Seven', a movie that pulls him away from the 'bubblegum' genre into become a credible serious actor and as such this will be a very pivotal role that will form the direction of his career.