Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson is being lined up to play Indiana Jones.

Pattinson is reportedly the hot favourite to replace Harrison Ford in Disney's reboot of the iconic adventure movies.

An insider told the Daily Star newspaper: "Disney is looking at its long-term options for the Indiana Jones franchise. They feel that the series has huge potential on many levels, starting with the films leading to other spin-offs like games which can generate more money than movies.

"Rob is top of the initial list because he has showed his acting stripes away from 'Twilight'. But the competition will be stiff."

According to The Sun newspaper, Disney is hoping to launch two movies within three years, with filming planned for 2016.

Pattinson will first have to battle it out with nine other Hollywood actors including Chris Hemsworth, Channing Tatum, Chris Pine and Kellan Lutz for the part.

We are going to be seeing plenty of Pattinson on the big screen over the coming year or so, as he has already finished work on The Rover, Maps to the Stars, Life and Queen of the Desert.

Last week it was announced that he had landed a role in Idol's Eye alongside Robert De Niro.

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