Tessa Thompson says Marvel are considering another 'Thor' sequel with Taika Waititi returning as director.

Tessa Thompson

Tessa Thompson

The 35-year-old actress - who plays Valkyrie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe films opposite Chris Hemsworth as the titular character - confirmed a pitch for a follow-up to the latest edition of the superhero's standalone story, 'Thor: Ragnarok', has been submitted and she believes the 43-year-old filmmaker has been asked to helm the project.

Speaking to the LA Times, she said: "I don't know how real that intel is, but I hear that the pitch has happened, I think the idea is Taika would come back."

'Thor: Ragnarok'- which saw Taika voice fan favourite character Korg - followed the film's hero fighting his way out of deadly gladiatorial contest that pit him against his former ally and fellow Avenger the Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) , after being imprisoned on the other side of the universe.

Thor's quest for survival led him in a race against time to prevent the all-powerful Hela from destroying his home world and the Asgardian civilisation.

The latest edition to the MCU is the upcoming 'Avengers: Endgame', which is set for release on 25 April and will end phase three of the universe - wrapping up 11 franchises and 22 films.

The film's directors, Joe and Anthony Russo, previously teased that the ensemble movie would be the "conclusion of the grandest experiment in movie history".

Joe said: "We knew it was gonna be probably the conclusion of the grandest experiment in movie history which is the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

"There's people all over the world who are so connected to these characters and they've spent so much of their time and their thought and their energy you know going on this journey for 11 years.

"It felt like a really, really unique opportunity as a storyteller to tell a story wrapping up you know 11 different franchises."