Writer Christopher Markus has revealed that The Wasp was almost part of Captain America: Civil War.

Captain America: Civil War

Captain America: Civil War

Civil War is set to bring together a whole host of our favourite heroes - as well as introducing some new characters. We were introduced to The Wasp back in Ant-Man but we are yet to see this character in action.

And while Markus and Stephen McFeely did have a draft of the script featuring this character, she didn't make the final cut.

Speaking to Collider about the film, Markus said: "You know, almost everybody made it in. There was a period where we talked about bringing Wasp in.

"There was actually a draft Wasp was in because she was so almost on the edge of being in Ant-Man, but then you're taking something awesome out of the Ant-Man team's quiver if it's like, 'Well, we're doing her!' Plus she had a similar skill set, so it's like 'Well, maybe we just isolate it to Scott."

And McFeely continued: "When you see the movie, you see that Scott is his own comic relief so it would change that a little bit. They would be this pair. Everybody else we would talk about them and then they'd go away, but we got most everybody back."

This is the third solo film for Captain America and sees Chris Evans reprise the title role. Robert Downey Jr, Scarlett Johansson, Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, Jeremy Renner, Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Bettany, and Paul Rudd are just some of the other names that we are going to see on board.

We are also going to get our first look at Black Panther and Spider-Man - played by Chadwick Boseman and Tom Holland. They both have solo movies on the horizon.

Markus and McFeely are no strangers to the Marvel world, having penned screenplays for Captain America: The Winter Solider, Thor: The Dark World, and Captain America: The First Avenger.

The duo is set to reunite to pen the screenplay for Avengers: Infinity War - Part I and Avengers: Infinity War - Part II. Civil War sees the duo reunite with filmmakers Anthony and Joe Russo, who are also set to direct the two upcoming Avengers movies.

Captain America: Civil War is released 29th April.

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