Andrew Stone

Andrew Stone

Andrew Stone and his make Jesus from Starman popped into the FemaleFirst office a few months ago, but since they left us, we've not really thought that much about what they've been up to (quite shamefully), until we stumbled across this….

Yes guys and girls, it’s the Starman / Andrew Stone Christmas video, and we are IN LOVE with it… even if you've never even seen Pineapple Dance Studios and don't know why we're so excited… you need to see this.

I cant decide whether my favourite part is when I see his whole outfit (leather trousers and a Christmas cardigan), when the reindeer looks well angry that Andrew keeps lobbing hay on his head, or the part where the band tries to push Andrew in a sledge, but aren’t quite strong enough.

Have a watch, share the joy….

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison