

Alphabeat are already a huge hit in their native Denmark and now they are bringing their super camp pop music to the UK on a mission to get us all dancing to their infectious sound.Female First caught up with singer Stine to find out what Alphabeat are all about............... How would you describe the Alphabeat sound to anyone who hasn't heard your music?
Alphabeat is pop like pop used to be. Proper pop. Like the pop of the late 70s and early 80s- proper pop songs like Bowie and the B52s. How was the group formed?
We formed five years ago. The boys met in high school then they needed backing vocals so I contacted them and I became apart of it as well. How did you come up with the name Alphabeat?
We had quite a lot of time trying to figure out a name but Alphabeat has some nice references to ABC Jackson 5 and some Bowie songs as well. You're already quite big in Denmark. What's it like to come to the UK and be relatively unknown?
It's quite interesting for us actually. It's nice to have a new start and do things kind of a little bit different. Do you remember the first time you heard your song on the radio? What was that like?
It was great. The first time I heard it over here I actually saw it on the TV as well within 24 hours so that was quite a big day.

What is the new single, Fascination, like?
Fascination is a really good dance song. Really upbeat and about being a teenager and being fascinated with all these new things that comes into your life.

Do you have plans to release an album in the UK?
Yes it's going to be released on 28th May.

What can we expect from the new tracks?
We've tried to make an album where you can actually dance to all of the songs like the old disco albums from the 70s. They're not all as upbeat as Fascination there are some that are a bit slower and some about love. Just really good pop songs you know.

There's not really been a lot of pop music in the UK charts for the last few years. Do you think pop is coming back?
Yes it seems like that's what's on it's way and if we can help that develop that would be nice. We'd like to make sure that pop isn't a forbidden word any more and that pop can be cool and doesn't have to be manufactured.

Alphabeat have been compared to Abba. Are there any similarities other than the obvious Scandinavian roots?
The only similarity I can think of is that Abba wrote some really good melodies and we're into writing good pop melodies too.

Caz Moss- Female First