For a new band now, the margins are just tiny, and trying to get yourself launched onto a world stage is a really tough job. I can see it all collapsing into rubble, and then something will be built instead. It’s in a process of dismantling itself, it’s not being rebuilt as yet.

So, if you could recommend just one song from the new album - excluding the lead single  - for us to download so that we want to hear all of your music, what would it be?

I guess, because I know you’re an Annie Lennox fan, I’d say to download Full Steam. That’s the one I would start you off on, and then I’d take it from there!

You’re also going to be doing three live dates in support of the release, why did you only choose to do three?

This is just a teaser! I’m just playing a few shows to put my face around a bit! I’m obviously going to be touring on a much bigger level later on, this is just the start. We do want to play a few shows everywhere though, were going to Ireland, we’re going to Europe, America and Australia, so the tour is being kept short so that we can put our face around.

If I was contemplating coming to your show or sitting at home and watching Big Brother re-runs, how would you get me out of the house?

First of all you need to stop watching Big Brother! It’s like brain rot! Haha, then get on your bike and get yourself to Manchester!

We’ve got to admit you’re a little bit awesome, so what advice would you give to someone just starting out, knowing what you know now?

It’s quite difficult to give advice as everyone’s situation is different, but you have to be thick-skinned and follow your heart and your instinct and keep putting it out there because something will add up somewhere and someone will make a connection. That’s how I think it works anyway!

So who did you look up to when you were starting out?

Bob Dylan is probably my biggest inspiration. But I love bands like The Cure and The Smiths, but that was when I was about 16 and 17. But Leonard Cohen, Tom Waits and Van Morrison have all had a lasting effect on me.

Okay, now we want to ask you some random questions;

What were you doing last night at 11?

I was tending to one of my children who had woken up in a state of upset. Either a bad dream or something.

What’s the last film you saw & what did you think of it?

I think it was Anvil actually, the documentary, I thought it was brilliant! It made me cry, I thought it was a really heart-warming story so I loved it a lot. It was in the Spinal Tap kind of role but it was very moving to see them put their necks on the line and then it all come good at the end.

What’s the last thing you bought?

I’ve just bought a sandwich, does that count? [FF: Yeah, that’ll do] I splashed out as well, I has a Florentine and a café latte.

Ooh, you can tell you’re going up in the world!

Well we’re in London at the moment, it’s very sophisticated and you have all these options when you go outside! It’s not just a barm cake with a spoonful of egg mayo in it!

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison

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