To actually have your song be the inspiration for a scene that's written about your song is incredible. Not only do people get to put a visual with it, but they also get to go behind the scenes of what it's like to make a record.

Essentially, that's what I did on the show. They would show Mia making a record with her label. They'd go through the challenges, the ups and downs. I think that made it almost more real to fans, they could connect with the music more.

-Do you have any acting plans past One Tree Hill?
Yeah. I think music is my first love, and my first language. I really did fall in love with the creative process of acting through One Tree Hill. Film and TV is something I'd really like to explore further, if it was the right role.

I'm not one of those girls who wants to get in any role and get my face in any film. I connected a lot with Mia's character. I expect that there will definitely be some roles down the road that I would love to be a part of.

-Do you think the fact that the music came first helped people take you more seriously as an artist?
Yeah, I think so. The dynamic of being an actor and a musician is always a tricky one. Some people make it work, some people can't. For me, I'm glad I've been a musician for as long as I have.

It does help people understand that I'm a real artist, I'm not just a chick who was on a show and said "I wanna make a record!"

There's nothing wrong with that, but I never wanted to be perceived that way, because it's not who I am.

-You've got the show in London this week. Are you excited for that?
I'm so excited for my show in London! I've not gotten to spend enough time in London. I'm really excited to play here. There's a spirit about this city that is so inspiring, as a musician.

You can't not have fun in London, but especially as an artist of any kind, London is a capital for that. London invented passion for art, it feels like.

-Are there any plans for a full UK tour in the future?
I hope so, yeah. I've been really excited about doing more things in the UK. I mean, my American fans are just fantastic, but there's something about UK fans. Obviously, some pretty incredible musicians come out of here!

I think you guys just get music in a way that is really unique. I hope to do a bigger UK tour sometime soon.

-You mentioned your US fans. You're touring the US in October and November, are you looking forward to that?
Yeah, absolutely. That should be really fun. I'm touring with friends of mine in a band called Parachute, we're doing this co-headline tour. Hopefully we'll get to play a lot of things together.

Touring the US is an awesome thing. My fans are fantastic there. It's a beautiful country, there's so many fun cities. Just being on the road in general is my favourite thing about my job.

There's something that is so necessary to the job about playing live music in real time, in front of people with no bells and whistles. Being able to get up there and sound better than your record, that's always my aim.

-What do you have planned after that tour, for the rest of the year?
For the rest of the year, I'm probably going to try to travel a bit over the American Thanksgiving holiday. Then, around the holidays I'm probably going to try to do some writing. Everything kinda shuts down in the industry, so that's when I get inspired.

My family's from Ohio, and it's freezing there in the Winter. I cozy up, drink hot chocolate, write songs and get all artsy! I'm looking forward to it. It's been such a great year so far.

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Female First - Alistair McGeorge