Britney Spears

Britney Spears

Concerns for Britney Spears' fragile state of mind have mounted after a voicemail message she allegedly left for her lawyers was leaked on the internet.

The tape, which surfaced earlier this week (beg30Mar09), appears to show the troubled singer venting her frustration at her father's conservatorship order.

Britney was a bad girl. Literally as soon as her dad left, she started getting cosy with a dancer named Gio. It wasn’t serious

Jamie Spears was put in charge of his daughter's legal, financial and personal affairs last year (Feb08) following a public breakdown which saw the star hospitalised for a mental evaluation.

But the phone message, reportedly left by the star in January (09), indicates the singer has been attempting to fight her father's control.

In the audio clip, a female voice allegedly belonging to the star, leaves a message for her lawyers making them aware of her dad's threats to take away her sons - Sean Preston and Jayden James, her children with ex-husband Kevin Federline.

A transcript of the call is as follows: "Hi, my name’s Britney Spears. I called you earlier. I’m calling again because I just wanted to make sure (it is known) that during the process of eliminating the conservatorship that my father has threatened me several times, you know, he'll take my children away.

"I just want to be guaranteed that everything will be fine with the process of you guys taking care of everything - that things will stay the same as far as my custodial time. That's it, bye."

The tape's emergence comes amid reports the singer, currently on her global Circus tour, has been romancing a back-up dancer when away from the watchful eye of her dad.

A source tells the New York Daily News, "Britney was a bad girl. Literally as soon as her dad left, she started getting cosy with a dancer named Gio. It wasn’t serious. They had a few romantic interludes, and she bought him a few things - a pair of shoes and some clothes - even though she’s on an allowance."

But the star reportedly put her wild behaviour to an end - once the elder Spears returned from a business trip to Los Angeles.

The source adds: "Britney was definitely getting jiggy there for a hot minute, but they’ve slowed down since Jamie got back in the picture. It’s basically over now."