Cheryl Cole

Cheryl Cole

Cheryl Cole’s missing wedding ring has become something of a news phenomenon of late, with every major red top in the country running news of her bling-less left hand.

But it seems the Girls Aloud star has had enough of the tabloid speculation and has had her ‘people’ Tweet a message to clear the matter up;

“I just wanted to clear up the stories about whether I am wearing my wedding ring in my own words as this has been going on for too long and is getting boring. There have been many occasions where I have not worn my wedding ring, many of those when I was pictured with Ashley.

“I find it crazy that people would think I use this as some sort of msg. Believe it or not Ashley is fully aware of any situation going on in our personal lives. He does not need to see a picture of me moving the hair out of my face to explain anything. Please drop it.”

Crikey, so Ashley is aware that he’s been ditched after cheating on the most beautiful woman in Britain? Wow, we never would have guessed.

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison

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