Cheryl Cole

Cheryl Cole

Cheryl Cole's return to the X factor descended into chaos yesterday after a number of disasters at her judge's house round in Ascot, Berks.

When Chezza rocked up at the mansion to film her part of the show where she chooses her lucky finalists, she only found that there was still scaffolding all over the mansion and the builders were still trying to finish the work.

Not only that, but one of the clumsy workman even dropped scaffolding while one act was performing, leaving the singer throwing her hands in the air and fuming to executive producer Richard Holloway: "What was that about?"

Cheryl had a bit of a chill out on the sofa with Black Eyed Peas singer Will.I.Am, whose help she enlisted to pick her acts before recommencing the auditions, only to be interrupted again when someone started hoovering up.


FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison

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