Jake Gyllenhaal Snubs Political Movies....

Gyllenhaal: 'i Hate Preachy Message Films' Actor JAKE Gyllenhaal deliberately avoids starring in movies with an obvious political message - despite roles in such hot-topic films as Brokeback Mountain and new release Rendition.The Oscar nominee hates "preachy" movies, and insists gay cowboy drama Brokeback Mountain and Rendition, which deals with terrorist issues, just happen to be topical.He says, "It's very important for me to be in movies that don't have a message. Messages tend to be a little preachy, and I don't think that's what movies are about."It's important for me to be in movies that have a human level, have a heart in them. That's the reason why I did this (Rendition) and it just so happens to be really topical. This political issue is a very important one right now which as Americans we need to look at."So it seems like it's (the film) is very political, it seems like there's a message in it, but ultimately there's a real story about human beings dealing with actual human things.".

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