Jamie-Lynn Spears' Dad Angry At Tell-all Interview....

Jamie-Lynn Spears' father is reportedly "furious" at the TV star, because he didn't want his daughter to lower herself by selling the news of her pregnancy to the press.The 16-year-old confirmed she is 12-weeks pregnant with student Casey Aldridge's baby during an interview with OK! magazine, which hit American newstands on Tuesday (18Dec07).But dad Jamie - who split from wife Lynne in 2002 - is reportedly "depressed" and "devastated" by her tell-all interview, according to Usmagazine.com.A source adds, "He put his foot down and refused to take any money and 'profit off of his children'. Lynne didn't care."(He) feels Jamie-Lynn ruined her life".However, the Zoey 101 actress and her mum Lynne are alleged to have initially turned down the offer of cash for the revealing interview, agreeing instead to a $1 million (#500,000) fee for the baby's first photoshoot when Jamie-Lynn gives birth next year (08).And website tmz claims the teen could be further along in her pregnancy than everyone has been led to believe - suggesting a July (07) report in American tabloid the National Enquirer was more accurate in putting her due date in the spring, instead of the widely-reported June (08).Meanwhile its been suggested Jamie-LYNN BROKE NEWS TO MOTHER WITH A NOTE Jamie-Lynn Spears rendered her mother Lynne speechless when she revealed she was pregnant at just 16.

On Tuesday (18Dec07), Jamie-Lynn admitted she is 12-weeks pregnant with her first child with boyfriend of two-and-a-half years, Casey Aldridge, 18.

The TV star sister of Britney Spears was so scared, she broke the news in a note - and Lynne refused to believe her at first.

Jamie-Lynn says, "She didn't really say anything at first. She just kind of looked at me. It was me and Casey that told her. She didn't believe us. But then she looked at Casey and he's always been very straightforward, and then she knew it was real. She was very upset because it wasn't what she expected at all".

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