Britney Spears' Aunt Hints At Planned Pregnancy....

Teen icon Jamie-Lynn Spears' aunt has suggested the TV star became pregnant on purpose in a big to steal some of big sister Britney's limelight.The Zoey 101 star stunned the world earlier this week (beg17Dec07) by confirming she was three months pregnant, and not everyone is supporting her decision to become a young mum.Speaking out on U.S. TV news show Extra, Spears' aunt Chanda McGovern says, "Whether she got pregnant on purpose or by accident she's wanting a little 'me' attention because everything's going on with Britney."I hope she don't take parenting tips from Britney".And McGovern insists she's upset by the news her niece is with child: "Sixteen is entirely too young to be sexually active"...Meanwhile its been revealed Jamie-Lynn Spears is planning to marry the father of her unborn child Casey Aldridge, his pastor uncle reveals.Britney's TV star sister shocked the world when she announced this week (beg17Dec07) she is pregnant at the age of 16, with 18-year-old Aldridge's child.Subsequent reports have suggested the pair are set to split - but Adridge's uncle, Reverend Odus Jackson claims they are smitten and have discussed marriage.

Jackson tells the New York Post, "Jamie Lynn and Casey want to get married. I know Casey does, and he says she does too.

"I know what he has expressed. Casey wants to get married and do it as soon as possible".

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