Jessica Simpson

Jessica Simpson

John Mayer might have told all and sundry about what Jessica Simpson is like in bed, but she’s not going mental and wanting to cut his tackle off with a rusty knife, oh no, she’s just "a little bit angry."

Whilst I’d be ruining all my man’s (or ex’s) prized possessions if he ever opened his gob about me, I guess Jess is quite pleased that she’s been praised for her raunchy antics in a recent interview with Playboy magazine.

Okay, so "sexual napalm" isn’t the best compliment a guy can give about a woman’s sexytime, but it doesn’t seem to have infuriated Jessica that much… speaking to the Oprah Winfrey Show that she doesn't want people "to know how I am in bed" but didn’t seem too angry.

She went on to tell the agony aunt that she is "absolutely" comfortable with her weight and that she loves her curves - good on you Jessica, so do we!

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison

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