Jimmy Page

Jimmy Page

Led Zeppelin star Jimmy Page has defended his recent performance at the Beijing Olympics with Leona Lewis - insisting he can't understand why their act received such negative reviews.The legendary guitarist teamed up with the Bleeding Love singer for a one-off rendition of his hit track Whole Lotta Love at the closing ceremony of the games last month.But the duet was poorly received, with many critics branding it the low point of the 2008 event. Page is baffled by the poor feedback - because he thought the collaboration went well.He says, "We got so much criticism and I really don't know why. I think we did a great job - it was an honour to be there. People just need to be less cynical. You know we went out there, we only had ten minutes - what did people expect?"But Page is adamant that the experience has not put him off performing at the Olympics and admits he would love to be a part of the forthcoming 2012 games in London.He adds, "If they asked, it would be an honour."

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