Keisha Buchanan

Keisha Buchanan

Those JLS boys aren’t half getting a number of celeb best mates in their phone book at the minute… just this time last year they were virtual unknowns, and now Keisha Buchanan is ringing them for advice.

After being rather unceremoniously booted from her band, The Sugababes, Keisha Buchanan broke down in tears at a London Fashion Week party, and Oritse from JLS had to come to the rescue and provide a shoulder to cry on.

To be honest, we can see why Keisha might be getting upset, considering that anyone who’s been following the drama over the past week will probably think she’s a bit of a bitch after being accused of bullying former member Amelle Berrabah, despite her claim to have been trying to build bridges with the other ‘babes.

To be honest, we shouldn’t really assume anything considering the fact that Amelle nor Heidi have commented on Keisha’s behaviour, but we wish her all the best with her solo career, and we’re sure she could hang out with her new celeb mates in JLS if things get really bad?

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison

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