Phil Collins

Phil Collins

In what can only be called the most self aware move in music, 1980’s powerhouse and scourge of music snobs Phil Collins has not only called time on his musical career but publically apologised for his success.

In an interview with lads mag FHM he said "I'm sorry that it was all so successful. I honestly didn't mean it to happen like that.

"It's hardly surprising that people grew to hate me."

Collins decided to hang up his instruments due to a devastating string of ailments that leave him unable to drum, along with other issues.

He went on to say that he had a "look at the MTV Music Awards and I think: 'I can't be in the same business as this.

"I don't really belong to that world and I don't think anyone's going to miss me."

Of course we will Phil. We might not tell anyone, but, we will.

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