Radiohead have seen sales of their new album In Rainbows slump as fans turn to illegal sites to download the LP.The band caused controversy by releasing the record online with an 'honesty box' policy, where fans could pay as much as they thought the album was worth.But the scheme seems to have failed to halt the surge of people illegally downloading the album for free. Figures released by the Performing Rights Society - the organisation which monitors royalty payments for U.K. artists - show more than 400,000 'pirate' copies of In Rainbows were downloaded on the day of its release last year.The number has risen to more than 2.3 million illegal downloads since the LP's October (07) release, according to the report by the Performing Rights Society.The news comes just weeks after the British government announced plans to crack down on illegal downloads by encouraging Internet service providers to send warning letters to persistent offenders.

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