Rebecca Black

Rebecca Black

Rebecca Black's new song 'Friday has prompted youths to send the young girl death threats, triggering police action.

The 13 year old, famous for releasing 'Friday', a low budget video and song about looking forward to the weekend.

Critics have panned the song calling it the worst song in the world with many people online making fun of the girl, with a parody of the song called 'Saturday' being released on ITunes.

However some bloggers have gone too far, even ringing her threatening to kill her if she doesn't take her video off Youtube.

"We consider these threats to be death threats, and we certainly take these things very seriously," said Sgt. Rick Martinez of the Anaheim, Calif., Police Department.

the video has reached over 112 million videos on Youtube, making 'Friday' one of the most watched videos this year.

But Rebecca admits she doesn't let nasty comments get to her.

"It's so shocking to me having all these people that don't even know who I am," Black said, adding she didn't know how people "can say such nasty things." But it doesn't bother me anymore, I really don't care."