Ringo Starr

Ringo Starr

Beatle's drummer Ringo Starr is planning to create a tell all autobiographical record about his home back in Liverpool.

Starr claims that it would be easier to write a song about his life rather than a book told Uncut: "I am actually making a record about Liverpool. It's about me and Liverpool. It's like I've decided to do mini-autobiographies, instead of writing a book, I'm doing it on record."

However, the record will not necessarilly be about his life in the beatles as he said, "I have been offered autobiographies but they only really wanna know about is those eight years in The Beatles and there would be three volumes before I even got to that.

Ringo is very proud of his roots in Liverpool and even petitioned along with many others against the demolition of the house that he grew up in which was successful.