

Being the nosy public we all are, we love a bit of weird voyerism, especially when it involves a celebrity making a fool of themselves and / or getting hurt. However, when we saw this footage of P!nk Crashing into a barrier during one of her gigs, we couldn’t help but feel a bit sad.

I mean first off, you wouldn't want to have a laugh at P!nk's expense or she'd probably end up flooring you, she we're sharing this video with you all just to make you aware that you probably shouldn't try acrobatics at home.

Last night in Nuremberg, Germany, her safety harness let her down and she fell through into a steel barricade during the finale of her live show before being helped up by her team and rushed to hospital.

P!nk thankfully tweeted: “I’m so so so sorry to end the show that way. I am embarrassed and very sorry. I’m in ambulance now but I will be fine.” Poor little lady! Get well soon!

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison

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