Olly Murs

Olly Murs

Olly Murs have lost out on the X Factor crown to that Dale Winton lookalike last year, but he's not let that stop him making waves in the music business, and now he's all ready to unleash his debut single. Whoopie.

His single isn't actually called Whoopie, it is in fact called 'Please Don’t Let Me Go' and was penned by Olly and his new mates, Steve Robson and Claude Kelly. Signed to Epic (also home to JLS) we reckon it's going to be a huge summer anthem!

Olly said “I’m so excited to be releasing this track which I co-wrote with Steve and Claude. It was important to me to be releasing an original song, and you can blast this one in the car with the windows down and the sun shining”.

Olly is currently working on his debut album due for release later this year. What on EARTH am I going to do until then?

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison