Iggy Pop's 'Post Pop Depression' LP could be his last.

Iggy Pop

Iggy Pop

The 68-year-old rocker teamed up with Eagles of Death Metal's Josh Homme, Arctic Monkeys' Matt Helders and Dean Fertita from the Dead Weather for the record and he is so pleased with how 17th studio album has turned out he wouldn't mind if it was his last ever release.

In an interview with The Sun newspaper, he said: "I shacked up in the desert with a bunch of guys to do the record. But then you find you've got a tiger by the tail and suddenly there is more travelling and a tour. I just don't think it would be wise for me to engage on this level constantly. I thought I would just throw my dice out on the table right now. I feel good about the record. I would be fine if this was my last album."

Before this collaborative project came along the Stooges frontman felt like a "creative failure" and admits he was "frustrated" after his 1993 record 'American Caesar' and it wasn't until 2009's 'Préliminaires' and 2012's 'Après' that he got his music-making mojo back.

He explained: "I was feeling like a creative failure in the recording sense. I felt stifled as vocalist, as a lyricist and as a person. I felt frustrated really with everything I had done since my 1993 album 'American Caesar'. That was the last one where I was really able to put pedal to the metal.

There had been a little daylight more recently in the form of 'Preliminaries' and 'Apres', the two albums I made which looked towards France.

I could forget the whole straitjacket and work on lyrics and vocals. But ultimately the time had come to help me and give it one big shot."

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