JoJo was celibate for 10 months while recording her new album.



The 29-year-old singer revealed she chose to abstain from sex while working on her latest record 'Good to Know' because she needed to be independent.

She told PEOPLE: "The album just finds me processing and getting to a place of seeing I've never been alone my whole adult life. I've always been in a relationship with somebody, and I was delaying a really important part of becoming an adult, which is being independent.

"I would go out on dates, but I loved saying, 'Okay, good night'.

JoJo is painfully honest on her new record and even opens up about "self-sabotaging" by cheating on an ex while she was drunk.

She explained: "I self-sabotaged because I didn't feel worthy of a loving, lasting relationship. I didn't love myself. I am actively working on self-love. It's not just something you arrive at -- I need to really work at it."

And JoJo revealed that advice from her therapist has helped her to love herself more.

She said: "It was like a banging my head against the wall until I believed it or until I actually did it. My therapist told me to act as if: like, if you don't feel confident, act as if you are. You don't feel like a bad bitch, act as if you do -- and then you do."