Kings of Leon

Kings of Leon

Kings of Leon listen to festive tracks to get them out of spots of feeling down.

The band - which includes brothers Caleb, Nathan, Jared and cousin Matthew Followill - are getting into the spirit of the season in anticipation of Christmas Day - which falls on December 25.

Jared, 27, told the Daily Star newspaper: "When I'm bummed out I put on Christmas songs and have a glass of red wine."

The 'Temple' singers are looking forward to celebrating the holiday with their loved ones while enjoying home-cooked meals and having the chance to relax.

Jared continued: "My wife cooks our Christmas dinner and even washes up."

Kings of Leon have toned down their hardcore partying and they choose to keep their drinking low-key, sticking to just beverages while in hotel bars.

Guitarist Matthew, 29, reflected: "I feel like the press made us out to be crazy."

Jared added: "The difference between now and then is that we used to go out to bars and clubs and get drunk in front of everybody. These days we just drink in the hotel bar."

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