The Vamps' James McVey is penning a science-fiction book.

The Vamps

The Vamps

The 22-year-old heartthrob has set out to prove that he is not a "stereotypical" boy band star by using his brains to write his very own tome, which he hopes will educate others, and will be released through the same publishers as the band's 'The Vamps: Our Story: 100%' book.

He revealed: "I'm writing a fiction novel, I don't know how it came about.

"I loved writing at school. I did English literature and history, so I guess I was missing that academic side of life.

"I met people when we did The Vamps book, like publishers, and so they are really helping me out - they have inspired me to carry on doing it. It should be published next year."

The 'Can We Dance' hitmaker - who is joined by Bradley Simpson, Connor Ball and Tristan Evans in the group - has decided to expand his skills to show that just because he is in a band it doesn't mean he's not intelligent as he gets annoyed when people make out that musicians have any easy job.

He told the Daily Star newspaper: "Sometimes I find it frustrating that people stereotype.

"It's a massive misconception that being in a band that we don't do much other than turn up and mime, but I want people to see that we like to learn."

Meanwhile, the 'Oh Cecelia' rocker previously said he and his bandmates are just "regular guys" and would hate for anyone to think they have become more "condescending and in a higher position" since they became famous.

James previously said: "We still try to get home as much as we can and we're just friends that like to do normal things.

"We're regular guys. There's nothing worse than people being condescending and feeling like they're in a higher position. We talk to people and behave like we always have ... We have a loyal fan base, the best fans in the world."

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