

As Eminem struts back onto the scene with his first album in five years, everyone is holding their breath to see if it can actually do as well as we all hope.

I mean lets face it, back when I was wearing combat trousers and studying for my GCSE’s back in the day, Eminem was the soundtrack to my education and a way out for my teenage angst, but the question that hung over my head, was would he still appeal to me, now that the genre of my music interest had changed?

Well thankfully, when I heard he’d decided to make a ‘comeback’ and had a go at Crack A Bottle; my love for the white rapper was instantly reignited and I saw that glimmer of hope find it’s way right back.

So, what’s it like then? Well, this much anticipated comeback is quite possible his most hateful to date as he takes on taboo subjects such as rape, child abuse and serial killers  whilst also opening up in detail about his battles with prescription drugs and alcohol - which some might say is s welcome change to the usual love and flower stuff that gets played on the radio.

For anyone who ever though that Eminem couldn’t make a comeback after the dire performance of his last offering, Encore in 2004 this album is a real kick in the face to all the ‘haters’ who get poked at during his hour and a quarter rant.

So, we might think it’s a little long winded, but in all, the album is everything a true Slim Shady fan could want… think the twisted story of Stan, and multiply it by 10 and add his BFF, Dr Dre into the mix and you might get something similar to what’s come out of it all.

As usual, Eminem takes the time to have a go at his fellow female celebs, leaving Britney to get on with rehab this time, he takes aim at the likes of The Pussycat Dolls, Miley Cyrus, Jessica Simpson and Lindsay Lohan - however, it could be said that these jokes are getting a little old now, and it’s time to whack lil’ old Marshall with a pretty hefty lawsuit.

That said, whether he’s going on a McDonalds killing spree in McDonalds on 3AM, contemplating his future on Beautiful, battling his drink demons in Déjà Vu or sharing the horrors of his abusive childhood in Insane, Eminem well and truly proves he still has that special something to blow all other rappers out of the water.

Even if your mother is disgusted with the star’s latest offering, one thing’s for sure, Guess Who's Back, Back Again, Shady's Back, Tell A Friend.

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison

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