Every mother knows their baby is unique. Even in the first few months, your baby will start to show personality traits that makes them one of a kind. But did you know that child development experts have managed to identify several key traits to look out for when analysing a baby’s temperament?

Parenting on Female First

Parenting on Female First

With the help of the Baby Personality Quiz on the BootsWebMD.com Children and Parenting Health Centre, you can identify your baby’s personality by answering a series of simple questions about their behaviour.

The results of the quiz can then be analysed to identify their behaviour patterns. You can even find essential information about the best approach in managing your child’s behaviour habits, with a simple step-by-step guide to keep in sync with your baby.

It could even help you to work in tandem with your child’s temperament and personality to make life easier for both you and your little one.

Whether your child is feisty or easy-going, the answer to identifying your child’s personality and behaviour patterns lies in a number of key areas. According to paediatrician Dr William Carey, author of Understanding Your Child's Temperament, these include:

1. Activity/energy level - if your child has high or low energy levels, you need to look for ways to keep them moving at a pace that’s comfortable for them

2. Approach to newness - a naturally hesitant or shy baby will need extra reassurance and patience to overcome their shyness

3. Intensity - if your baby is laid back they can get lost in the shuffle of family life and vice versa, if your baby is intense and you are going to have to teach them to deal with the curves of life

4. Sensitivity - if your baby has high sensitivity to lights, noise or texture, be patient and look for ways to avoid sensory overload such as the lighting and the type of clothes she's in

5. Regularity - if everything is unpredictable, potty, naps, moods, you're going to have to let go of your controlling ways and loosen up. If your baby likes structure, you might have to adhere to the schedule they crave

6. Persistence - puzzles are great tools to lengthen attention span, along with a daily dose of bedtime reading but remember, they are still a baby and you’re going to have to be persistent!

7. Overall mood - take the time to observe your baby’s daily patterns and what makes them smile for a happier baby (and mum!)

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