Parenting News: Women Want Summer Babies

Parenting News: Women Want Summer Babies

It’s thought that most women prefer to have their child in winter so that they aren’t uncomfortable from the heat in the later stages of pregnancy but now that is changing.

More women are aiming to have their child in summer, despite children born in summer scientifically performing poorer academically.

The most preferred month to give birth is now June, whereas the least favoured month is November.

So why are women choosing to have summer babies over any other season? Well, the answer is simpler than you might think.

Women have admitted that they reason they want a June baby is so that they can spend their maternity leave in the good weather!

Rather than being bogged down in the wind and rain that winter brings, women would rather take advantage of the sun and the heat.

Despite being so picky over the month they want to give birth, women are still admitting that they feel to have very little control over when they conceive.

Dr Sandra Wheatley said, “Fertility remains the less controllable element in the lives of women today – with the majority focusing on pregnancy prevention rather than assisting it.”

To combat this, Clearblue, who conducted the research, have launched their Digital Ovulation Test with Dual Hormone Indicator which gives women an indication of when they are most fertile, giving them better chances and more control over when they conceive.

Would you choose a summer baby? Tell us why by commenting below or tweeting us @FemaleFirst_UK